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A dense index of thousands of business, management and information technologies-related resources on the Internet. Includes a discussion message board as well. 

All Business Network
Compendium of business resources includes news, advice for entrepreneurs, a job bank and regional discussion forums. 

Biz Talk: Retail Business Center
This business site hosts weekly chats each weekday except Wednesday. They are Home Business Chat, Marketing and Sales, General Management and Women's Business Networking Chat. 

Bloomberg Online
Bloomberg Online supplies information about world stock indexes, currencies, bond yields, commodity futures and market movers. Don't miss the business section, which covers financial news, company and mutual-fund news, insider trading and technology. 

Business Chat!
This room is designed for those professionals who just can't seem to leave business talk in the office. Choose from subject rooms like HRChat!, InsuranceChat! and InvestmentChat! -- all guaranteed to get the juices flowing. 

Business Researcher's Interests (BRINT)
BRINT is a searchable knowledge map of contemporary business, management and information technology issues. It provides access to hundreds of publications, case studies and tools of interest to business, technology and information professionals. 

Business Resources on the Internet
Business Resources on the Internet is a categorized index of pointers to business resources in areas like accounting, finance, health care, marketing, bankruptcy, demographics and ethics. 

The financial news site presents feature articles, headlines, world market updates, stock quotes, an industry watch and a investment center. Includes small-business information and personal finance. 

Dow Jones Business Directory
Provides reviews, ratings and links for business-related sites. Includes careers, companies, the economy, financial markets, government and politics, industries, personal finance and small business. 

ELDIS: Electronic Development and Environment Information System
ELDIS offers an easy route to the latest online information on development and environmental issues. The directory links to databases, library catalogs, bibliographies, e-mail discussion lists, maps and newspaper collections. 

Encyclopedia of the New Economy
If terms like productivity paradox and bionomics leave you scratching your head, this is the site for you. Explanations of anything and everything associated with information age. 

ENTERWeb - The Enterprise Development Website
ENTERWeb is an annotated meta-index and information clearinghouse that will lead you to quality resources on enterprise development, entrepreneurship, business, finance, international trade and the economy in this new age of cyberspace and globalization. 

Internet Business Library: Links to Internet Resources in Business and Economics
The Internet Business Library (IBL) has been designed to provide a selective, current, subject-oriented guide to business information on the Internet. The IBL is updated regularly and is available for use, free of charge, to all visitors. 

Krislyn's Strictly Business Sites
A wide range of business-related sites organized by category. Includes marketing, employment and economic news, public speaking, travel and more. 

Madalyn: The Business Research Tool from the University of Delaware
Let Madalyn be your guide to business research on the Internet. Categories of links include accounting, entrepreneurship, law, ethics, management, marketing and career information. 

Motley Fool, The
This popular site presents a mix of business and financial news, stock-market commentary, model portfolios and intelligent humor. Includes quotes, message boards and FoolAudio. 

Nerd World Media: Business
Search or browse through a listing of business-related links, including opportunities and info for entrepreneurs. 

Transium Corp.
Executives from Dow Jones, Knight-Ridder and Apple Computer created this business-intelligence service that sifts through 1,000 business journals to offer you free, objective information on more than 300,000 private and public companies worldwide. 

U.S. Business Advisor
The U.S. Department of Commerce posts news, information, services and transactions. 

VIBES: Virtual International Business and Economic Sources
Virtual International Business and Economic Sources (VIBES) provides more than 1,300 links to Internet sources of international business and economic information that are in English and available free of charge. 

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