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The KidsNET! - Play Dress-up

Apple Corps
If you think potatoes should have eyes (a nose, a mouth and maybe even a hat), this diversion should tickle your funny bone. It's an apple head and a few friends (Mr. Artichoke, Mr. President, etc.). Select a veg-head, then apply facial features.

Bagel City
Create your own animated bagel from this pick-and-choose bagel-making machine. Once that's accomplished, you can save the animated GIF file, post it to your home page, and then register the creation with the Webmaster to become part of the Bagel Family.

This site has a very simple idea for building your monster. You just pick a head and click. Pick a torso and click, and pick the legs and click. Now you have your own monster.

Welcome to the wacky world of dinosaur design where you can select a body type, add skin and other refinements, then watch your virtual bioengineering come to life, right in the Web browser.

Curious George Rides the Bus
The mischievous monkey is up to his usual tricks -- this time on a bus -- and you have to help George put the right hat on the right passenger. Preschoolers will get a kick out of the simple point-and-click interface and the surprise under every hat.

Decorate a Muse or a Meg
Dress-up games can be fun, and this Shocked page from the massive Disney site gives young fans of the movie Hercules the chance to decorate the hairstyles and flowing gowns of Meg and the two Muses with sparkling jewels.

Disney book star Dinorella needs to dress, and this Shockwave application gives young readers the chance to decide if she should wear her house clothes or her dance finery. Link to info on the book.

Royal Suite: Dress Dunstan
This ape has a full closet, so it will take kids a while to try all the possible hat, sunglasses, dress and top combinations. To make the process even more fun, every clothing change is accompanied by sound effects.

You don't have to raid the fridge to make a vegetable face; just glue on the carrots, radishes and other earthy products. Create a funny face from the palette of edible delights offered by this Java drawing applet.

Victorian Doll
This dress-up site isn't powered by Shockwave, so kids can't actually drag the clothes onto the Victorian model. But clicking an outfit-- all of which are well detailed and elaborate -- displays a page showing the doll wearing the dress.

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